Friday, 1 October 2010

My Lifestyle Choice

At least that's what some gov stiff would have you believe.
I signed on today which took all of 2-3 minutes, they have gone from being interested and actually doing a jobsearch for you to "have a nice day". I have applied for countless jobs but continue to see increasing numbers of adds that include various phrases such as "would suit graduate/young/clone of Einstein/Stephen Hawking hybrid (minus the disabilities ofc) that can juggle chainsaws while expanding on string theory so not a lot of hope for me at the moment so being unemployed clearly NOT a lifestyle choice.
I even agreed to some voluntary work which the jobcentre suggested, waited for a month then got a call to say there were only two positions in my area, one was a joke the other was working for a local museum setting up a website, Facebook group, Twitter site etc.. was I interested? No s***!, been three weeks and still no reply!
So Mr gov get your act together before throwing the first stone!
Rant over <br/>
On a lighter note Deanna's ICT (Information, Communications & Technologies) teachers name is........................ Mr Web :D
When all's said and done I have plenty to smile about

1 comment:

  1. wow, that's an old photo to say the least. School seems such a long time ago to me. And I'm pretty sure I fit the bill to said job application ideal employee. :D
