Sunday 12 September 2010

Some days start good but then...

Been an up and down kind of day and it's still going.
Started off with another go at macro and I believe I learned a lot, however the day went south like a lead balloon.
Just borrowed my neighbours car to pick my wife and her friend up from a party, why did I not go in my car? the wife took the key! I suppose it also wanted to get inebriated. I got the call to pick them up at midnight and spent the next twenty minutes on a fruitless hunt, I should have guessed sooner but she never puts anything back in the same place twice so I had to do a Sherlock and eliminate all other possibilities.
Having done so the only place they could be was in her handbag, so I called the party and got the hostess who promptly hung up on me, she is drunk too.
Eventually after calling several uninterested cab company's had to wake the neighbour and drive a pope-mobile, it's a Fiat mobility vehicle!Stick shift too, mines auto.
All this after having the worst day with my three girls that I can remember, argumentative, hormonal, stubborn, stroppy and that was just the five year old! the fourteen and twelve were even better!
Chances of getting any sleep now are so close to zero as to be indistinguishable, think I'll noob tube some poor sods as we don't have a dog for me to kick :)
Goodnight world, wherever you are.

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