Thursday, 9 September 2010

In the land of the giants the macro lens is king!

Great day! spent all morning attempting to take some macro photos, you can see the salvageable shots on my site. Will roll for take two tomorrow.
Lemon Meringue for dessert, it can't get any better can it? well maybe MW2 will not crash my PC tonight! we can but hope.
The sky is looking superb, just had a major downpour, so out to take some more pics :)

1 comment:

  1. I tried the macro photos but I couldn't get the camera to work with Visual Basic!

    I had a wicked Chocolate Mousse that'd top a Lemon Meringue, unless the Meringue-ga-tang was homemade.

    I'm too battered for MW2 but yesterday's another day, rock on!
