Wednesday 1 November 2017

Generation of the lost!

Just had a conversation with my youngest, she is 12 and fast approaching 6ft. She is also ahead of the curve in many other ways, we are treating her as a teenager. I thought she was growing up to be a stable, responsible young person but then she went to a school like many others. She stopped listening to me, started believing the teachers and her social peers even when I took the time to explain in full (with proof of fact). The final straw was the latest BS regarding the new iPhone, the X, she made an announcement saying "did you know that the iPhone x will recognise twins as one person?", that's like saying water is wet! I tried to explain that this was nothing out of the ordinary and hardly deserved a viral msg let alone an announcement, no cameras have anywhere near the ability of the human eye and especially those in phones. so to make up for their lack of definition they use the processing power of their onboard CPU to extrapolate, add pixels, so OFC they will recognise close matches as being the same. Half way through the my 1st sentence I was being ignored in favour of, you guessed it, the iPhone! It was only then that the bolt of lightning hit me, an epiphany, the generation that now uses social media, networking and smartphones are sheep that will dismiss any and all other information regardless.

Friday 15 October 2010


It has long been a dream of mine to go into space and now it looks like it might actually be possible, as long as I can save up or win the lottery :)
"I wish that I could fly......"

It's sign on day today and I have manflu! Think I need to be wrapped in plastic to keep all the germs away just like these teddy's.
It's 07:30 and I'm the only one out of bed! think I'm in for an "interesting" weekend, HELP!

Wednesday 6 October 2010

My first ever photo competition

I entered my camera clubs first competition of the year last night, it's a league type where you enter two digital images at a time and for round one I entered the two that you can see on Flickr
The flower is one of my very first, it scored 10/20 :( I still like it but can understand why the score after speaking to the judge who was great and offered some good advice. The other was taken a few months and a few Photoshop lessons later, this scored 20/20 much to my surprise and delight!
So a bit of a roller coaster but thoroughly enjoyed, the low mark came first so ended on a high and picked up some useful advice.
BTW it's 0430 and I have been up since 0345 again, sleep's for pussy's.

Friday 1 October 2010

My Lifestyle Choice

At least that's what some gov stiff would have you believe.
I signed on today which took all of 2-3 minutes, they have gone from being interested and actually doing a jobsearch for you to "have a nice day". I have applied for countless jobs but continue to see increasing numbers of adds that include various phrases such as "would suit graduate/young/clone of Einstein/Stephen Hawking hybrid (minus the disabilities ofc) that can juggle chainsaws while expanding on string theory so not a lot of hope for me at the moment so being unemployed clearly NOT a lifestyle choice.
I even agreed to some voluntary work which the jobcentre suggested, waited for a month then got a call to say there were only two positions in my area, one was a joke the other was working for a local museum setting up a website, Facebook group, Twitter site etc.. was I interested? No s***!, been three weeks and still no reply!
So Mr gov get your act together before throwing the first stone!
Rant over <br/>
On a lighter note Deanna's ICT (Information, Communications & Technologies) teachers name is........................ Mr Web :D
When all's said and done I have plenty to smile about

Wednesday 29 September 2010

My first ever photo shoot

Had a lot of fun last night at the camera club, there were some models and some still life, this still life is lucky to be still alife!
There were four studios setup and we were split into groups, this senior citizen was not in my group but just walked in front of us and started taking photos! Goes to show old does not necessarly mean wise.
I got two ok shots, I think, see if you agree.

This one was just for fun

Will try to avoid the feeding frenzy next time :D

Monday 27 September 2010

You live you learn and so you should

Had another great time at evening class tonight, even learned something.
Otherwise was a quiet day still trying to get rid of a cold that seems to think it has found a home for life.
Watched the new version of Robin Hood with Russell Crowe, a very different take on the story from what we are used to but entertaining none the less
Yesterdays film was Valentines Day, one of my followers will like it as he's into chick flicks, it was funny and showed how over the top the yanks are about most things

Adios Amigos!

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Sleeeeeeeeeeep not!

The time sponsored by arrrrrg is 5AM I've been awake since 3 and up since 4 this is getting to be a PITA.
The thing is I'm really tired but my stomach is churning no idea why as can't be hungry had a lovely roast last night.
The evening class was great, although it was the first night and consisted of listening to the tutor talk all night I picked up one good tip, when changing lenses try to keep the camera pointing down to avoid dust getting onto the sensor. Seems obvious now doh! Looks like it's going to be a very worth while course.
Time for some coffee and toast.
Good morning! and in case I don't see you: good afternoon, good evening and goodnight!